Easkey Britton

Wavemaker and water dancer, Dr Easkey Britton works at the nexus of science and art. She has a PhD in marine social science, and is a writer, artist and ocean leader with a deep love and passion for surfing and the sea. Her work explores the relationship between people and nature, especially water environments. She contributes her expertise in blue space, health and social wellbeing on national and international research projects. Her life long passion for the sea has taken her on a unique journey, challenging her beyond all her limits. Her work is deeply influenced by the ocean and lessons learned pioneering women’s big-wave surfing in Ireland and the sport of surfing with women in Iran, which led her to be invited to give an inspiring TEDx talk: Just Add Surf. Her ground-breaking journey to Iran in 2013 introduced the sport of surfing to women and local communities and is featured in the award-winning documentary film, Into the Sea. Connecting these women with their bodies through the water continues to have extraordinary ripple effects.

Easkey has a lot to share about natural intelligence and how the sea can restore us, and how we must also restore the sea. She uses the sea as an active metaphor to dive deep into the power of presence and embodiment of natural cycles. She specialises in experiential learning, nature connection, immersive embodiment practices, community engagement and social impact, with the annual Wavemaker retreat and Move Like Water retreat for women. She is the author of 50 Things to Do By the Sea, and has published numerous peer reviewed journal articles and is a regular columnist with Oceanographic magazine. She is currently writing and illustrating her next book, Saltwater in the Blood. Her most recent arts collaboration with the Flora Fauna project as part of the exhibition ROOM, highlights some of the shared values and beliefs between surfing and dance about the body, nature, emotions, connection, movement and awakening our feminine innateness.



www.Easkey Britton.com
