Cathal Mc Carthy is a visual artist/sculptor. His work explores the boundaries between art, poetry, community, nature and scientific enquiry. He has completed a number of Public Art
Commissions. He recently completed a new socially engaged public art project entitled Word Tree (2020) in collaboration with Poet Jean Tuomey and transition year students at Sancta
Maria Secondary School, Louisburgh, Co Mayo. He completed two sculpture residencies at Richard Hunt studios in Chicago USA 2017/18. He studied fine art at G.M.I.T Castlebar and
also completed studies in Theatre, Community arts and Disability Arts. He is currently working on new percent for art commissions including Sonic Garden(awarded 2020) for St Patricks Special School Enniscorthy, Semblance (awarded 2020) for Scoil Bhríde Edenderry and Friedensbaum (current 2020) for Bavaria, Germany. Previous public art commissions include Stream Spire (2011) Mullingar Town, Co Westmeath and The Player(2002) at Ballindine, Co Mayo. He has instigated several art projects for people with disabilities including Words Are My Prisoner (2009) funded by The Arts Council projects award. His work has featured on local and national media and is included in several private collections in Ireland and U.S.A. He works from his studio in Castlebar, Co Mayo.