Amanda Thomson is a visual artist and writer who is also a lecturer at the Glasgow School of Art. Originally trained as a printmaker, her interdisciplinary work is often about notions of home, movements, migrations, landscapes and the natural world and how places come to be made. She has exhibited nationally and internationally, and her writing has appeared in The Willowherb Review, Gutter and the anthologies Antlers of Water, Writing on the Nature and Environment of Scotland, edited by Kathleen Jamie, and The Wild Isles: An Anthology of the Best British and Irish nature writing edited by Patrick Barkham. In 2013 she completed her doctorate in Interdisciplinary Arts Practice. Her practice-led thesis considered the ways in which we come to know place and was rooted in Abernethy Forest in Strathspey and the forests of Morayshire, particularly Culbin. She now lives and works in Strathspey in the Scottish Highlands, and Glasgow. Her first book, A Scots Dictionary of Nature, is published by Saraband Books; and a collaboration with Elizabeth Reeder, microbursts, a collection of lyric and intermedial essays, is published by Prototype Publishing.
My creative practice is ideas and research-led and fuses creative non-fiction; traditional and digital printmaking techniques, photography, bookmaking, video and sound and 3-dimensional work. I’m interested in how we are located (and locate ourselves) in the world, notions of space and place and ideas of belonging. A lot of my work – in art and writing – is about nature, flora and fauna, and rooted in the highlands of Scotland, where I’m at my happiest.