Playing Catch Up with Loads of Residencies

Since restrictions were lifted in May, we have been flat out hosting artists in residence, starting with Noelle Gallagher, who is making a response to the woodlands restoration project together with Colm Hogan. Ceramicist Rebecca Philbin’s residency was supported by Galway County Arts Office. We were delighted to finally host Clíona Ní Laoi and Alfie Byrne after their residency had been postponed numerous times, as we tried to negotiate various levels of lockdown.  Jen McHugh is a recent graduate of GMIT CCAM, and her residency was the first of an exciting new collaboration with the college, through which we aim to offer supports to artists at every level of their career. Noreen Ramsay focused on the proposed restoration of the Sitka spruce forest to native woodland, exploring the ancient oak forest across the lake. Bennie Reilly engaged with Zoan Biomed, creating organic sculptural forms inspired by the coral farmed onsite.
